Veteran Nollywood actor Yemi Solade has disclosed why, had he not been determined to uphold his morals among his female coworkers in the film business, his long-term marriage might have ended. In a video that was posted on the official YouTube channel of Seun Oloketuyi during an interview, he made it known that if he goes into a relationship with some actresses in the movie industry, his wife won’t still be with him for 22 years of their marriage. In his statement, he said, “When some people accused me of asking for sex before giving out a movie role, I…
Author: Ruth Bello
Nollywood actress Olayinka Solomon is filled with joy and appreciation to God as she welcomes her first son with her new husband after so many years. Actress Olayinka Solomon has just welcomed a baby boy in the United States of America and the entire Yoruba Nolly industry is jubilating over the good News.Her colleagues in the industry are glad and grateful to God that she delivered safely despite all the challenges but God prevail. Many prayed for Olayinka Solomon deliver safely and her colleagues are glad that the prayers have been answered by God. With hearts full of love and…
Popular Filmmaker and Producer Kazim Adeoti the Husband of Nollywood actress Mercy Aigbe is filled with appreciation to God as he bag his first ambassador deal in 2025. Kazim Adeoti took to his social media page to share the good news with his fans with great joy in his heart. He urged his fans to please patronize ASEYORI HAJJ AND UMRAH SERVICES and the will have the best experience ever. It is with great joy and pleasure that I announce my ambassadorial deal with ASEYORI HAJJ AND UMRAH SERVICES. Having patronized them several times, I confidently say that ASEYORI HAJJ…
Veteran Nollywood actor Prince Jide Kosoko has given his colleague Dele Odule high marks While visiting his village Ijebu. Jide Kosoko wrote on Instagram that he and his group went to Oru Ijebu to look at some of the costumes that will be used in a new film. The clothes’ owner, Dele, showed Jude around his Ile Asa property. According to Jide, Dele constructed the complex with the goal of redefining the arts and culture subsector. Expressing pride in Dele Odule, Jide Kosoko stated that he can’t wait for the complex to be completed and be in full operation. “Yesterday,…
Nollywood actress Biodun Okeowo also known as Omoborty has taken to her social media to reflect on her past life. The curvy actress wrote a long epistle about all the struggle she has face and how she survived by the grace of God. She talked about how she will manage so that her children could have the best as at that time. As I lay on the bed this morning, my past flashed before me. To anyone going through life’s challenges, whether as a couple or a single parent, trust God. Your breakthrough is on the way, and soon, you…
Veteran Yoruba actor, Kayode Akindina has explained why he has been turning down several film opportunities lately and mentioned how well-liked he is among his fellow actors. In a video that was posted on the official YouTube channel of Kunleafod TV during an interview, he disclosed that he gets a lot of movie roles nowadays to the extent that he has to reject some of them. In his statement he said that his boss is late Kola Majek and did not go to school because he had to run away from home then so he can become an actor In…
Popular Nigeria fuji music star Alhaji Taye Currency is filled with joy and appreciation to God as his son graduated from Law school Fans of the Nigeria Fuji Music Singer Alhaji Taye Adebisi Currency has been sending congratulations message and best wishes to him as his son Adebisi Samsudeen graduated from Law school. The proud father took the celebration of his beloved son to his verified social media handle to celebrate his son new achievements with fans and Loveone. Alhaji Taye Currency posted the picture of him and his son on his Instagram handle. The picture showed Alhaji Taye, his…
Nollywood actress Kemi Korede has expressed her thoughts on life As she goes out in style. Kemi Korede talked about her love of a quiet, serene existence while showcasing a stunning video of herself on her verified Instagram profile. The talented actress showed how peaceful life feels when no one knows what is happening. She wrote about having a small circle and a peaceful life. “How life feels when no one actually knows what’s going on in my life. SMALL CIRCLE. and a quiet peaceful life…… About last time at 8days Fidau Prayer Alhaja Halimot Ashabi Yisau ijebu igbo, Ogun…
Nollywood actress Akinyanju Arike, better known by her stage as Eyinju Eledumare, is furious with her Yoruba colleagues for their high level of hypocrisy. The composed actress used Instagram to criticize and disparage an unnamed someone whom she publicly praised but declined to acknowledge. While she publicly recognized the love from others, she accused the individual of DMing her to express gratitude for her affection. Being irked by such action, which has repeatedly occurred, Eyinju slammed them for dubious. She admonished them on resolving issues regarding any of her posts about anyone that may result in bashing. POSTING YOU AND…
The Oyo State Governor, Seyi Makinde, has vowed that the organisers of the children’s funfair, which led to the untimely death of 35 children in a stampede on December 18, 2024, at the Islamic High School in Ibadan, will face trial. The governor made this known during the annual interfaith service to herald the year 2025, held at the car park of the Governor’s Office Secretariat. We reported that the organisers, which include an ex-wife of the Ooni of Ife, Prophetess Naomi Silekunola Ogunwusi; the owner of Agidigbo FM, Oriyomi Hamzat; and the Principal of Islamic High School, Bashorun, Ibadan,…