Nollywood actor Ibrahim Chatta has he joined his colleagues in celebrating the arrival of his ex-lover and baby mama, Olayinka Solomon and her husband, Olasunkanmi Mabinu Ori, with their first child,
He posted a picture of the new parents on Instagram along with a message of gratitude and congratulations.
The actor acknowledged God’s handiwork in providing the couple with their anticipated bundle of joy and prayed that God would watch over and keep the child.
He wrote, “AlhamduliLlah! It can only be HIM (Allah) as we receive This Bundle of Joy.
Congratulations Dear BROTHER Mr Mabinuori @olasunkanmi_mabinuori and Moriamo Àsàbí @olayinkasolomon01
Oluwa A wo o,
Oluwa A da si
Oluwa A se ni Ogo Idile, Ogo Orilede, Ogo Agbaiye”
Earlier today, Olayinka Solomon and Olasunkanmi Mabinu Ori announced the arrival of their baby boy via a joint Instagram post.
With joy, the parents received their greatest blessing, a tiny miracle. They disclosed that their bundle of joy brought endless happiness and heart filled joy.